$209.00 USD

Registration Policies:

Registration and Fees: For events that require payment, a payment can be made by check, money order or credit card. Payment must be received to guarantee your space in an event.

Refund Policy: If you wish to request a refund, please contact the conference organizer listed above to discuss. 2 weeks’ notice is required to cancel your session.  In the event you are unable to attend, you may be issued a partial refund, and a 2-week courtesy notice is requested to fill your spot.  You may also elect to send a substitute in your place. If the event is cancelled, all fees will be returned.

Documents: You will be emailed documents prior to the training with additional instructions.







EMDR Refresher Course Live In Person with 6 CE's and EMDRIA Credits

When: August 9, 2024

In Person Location: 1162 Eastland Dr. N Twin Falls, ID

Credits: 6 CEU's and 6 EMDRIA Credits

Event Description:  This EMDR refresher course is for EMDR trained therapists to refresh their skills and refine their clinical practice. Review the fundamentals of EMDR for new and seasoned EMDR therapists to strengthen their clinical foundation.  We will discuss the original 8 phase protocol and clinical reasons when the protocol may need to be modified for stuck processing points.

This is a comprehensive overview of EMDR therapy and we will review the 8 prong 3 phase protocol and its implementation with patients.  Furthermore, we will discuss strategies for complex presentations, cognitive interweaves and how to document EMDR sessions.

Come learn about how to document the 8 phase protocol and how to create goals, treatment plans and evidenced based notes using the golden-thread approach.  Tie all of your documentation together so it flows back to the treatment plan, while staying loyal to the 8 phase EMDR protocol and baseline measures.


Course Objectives:

  1. Inspect the history and development of EMDR and review revised theoretical model, methodology and mechanisms of action.
  2. Apply the AIP Model to clinical practice and describe the theoretical framework.
  3. Explain and discuss methodologies for each of the 8 phases of EMDR.
  4. Explore and discuss categories of cognitive interweaves and application to patients.
  5. Demonstrate strategies for target sequencing and selection and development of the EMDR Treatment plan.
  6. Identify strategies to support patients with complex presentations, dissociation, suicidal ideation and special populations.