Finding your Niche Market as an EMDR Therapist
Nov 17, 2023
Finding your Niche Market as an EMDR Therapist
Congratulations on becoming an EMDR Certified Therapist! We are so happy for you! What’s missing in the market is a place you can build your consultation business and partner this with teaching and education about EMDR practice. Now the question is, how do you find other therapists who want to pursue EMDR Certification? How do you find your niche to market yourself to others? This blog is going to review some of the basics of marketing to your niche as an EMDR Consultant. By the time EMDR therapists are certified and become consultants, it is highly likely they have developed a specialization and professional identity. Here are some strategies to help you as you figure out your niche so you can find your tribe and people that are like-minded.
First let’s explore a few basic business concepts. There are 2 different target market types to begin with as we graduate from college and move forward to specializations. The 2 categories are 1) Niche Target Market and 2) Undifferentiated Target Market. Niche Target Market and Undifferentiated Target Markets are two distinct approaches to defining and reaching specific customer segments in the world of marketing and business. Let's explore the key differences between these two market types:
Undifferentiated Target Market (Mass Marketing):
Broad Focus: An undifferentiated target market, also known as mass marketing, does not focus on specific customer segments. Instead, it takes a broad approach, targeting the entire market with a one-size-fits-all strategy. This is typically for generalist therapists searching for an identity that fits them.
Limited Personalization: Mass marketing typically involves using generic marketing messages and advertising that do not cater to specific customer needs or preferences. It assumes that the product or service has universal appeal.
Large Reach: Undifferentiated marketing aims to reach a wide and diverse audience, hoping to capture as many customers as possible. This approach often requires significant resources for broad-scale advertising.
Lower Margins: Since undifferentiated marketing involves competing on a larger scale and targeting a broad audience, it may lead to lower profit margins due to competitive pricing.
Example: A brand of bottled water that uses a single marketing campaign and packaging design for all its products without targeting specific consumer groups.
Niche Target Market
Specific Focus: A niche target market is a highly specialized and narrowly defined segment of the overall market. It consists of a small, specific group of customers who share common characteristics, needs, and interests. As this relates to therapists, it is your specialization and training. Take a look at your recent resume and review the areas you have received CEU’s or advanced trainings in, this is a good place to start. If you don’t have this yet, and you are still a generalist, you will be in the Undifferentiated Target Market. You will likely get to a Niche Market as you continue to see patients, and we all start here, so don’t worry, you will get there. Here is a link from Dr. Andrew Dobo when we discuss who we have always been and how we bring ourselves forward.
In-Depth Understanding: Businesses that target a niche market have a deep understanding of their customers' unique preferences, problems, and behaviors. They can tailor their products, services, and marketing efforts to precisely meet these specific needs. As you develop your consultation business, think about the problems you are going to solve and offer solutions to your consultees.
Personalized Marketing: Niche marketing involves creating personalized and highly targeted marketing campaigns. Messages and promotions are tailored to resonate with the niche audience's interests, making it more likely to connect with them on a personal level.
Less Competition: Niche markets tend to have less competition because they are highly specialized. This can give businesses a competitive advantage and allow them to establish themselves as experts in that specific area. If you are highly specialized in a certain niche, you can create more customers and consultees for your business.
Higher Margins: By serving a niche market, businesses can often charge premium prices for their products or services since they are addressing a unique set of needs. This can lead to higher profit margins. In the beginning, consider pricing modifications for your products to make them competitive and reasonable.
Example: A company that sells specialized vegan dog food for elderly dogs with digestive issues is targeting a niche market within the pet food industry. As an EMDR Therapist
In summary, the key distinction between niche target marketing and undifferentiated target marketing lies in the level of focus and personalization. Niche marketing is highly specialized, catering to a specific group with tailored products and messages, while undifferentiated marketing takes a more generalized approach, attempting to reach a broad and diverse audience with generic marketing efforts. As an EMDR consultant define your niche market, as you likely have several specializations. This is your secret sauce and the magic you bring. You’ve got this!
Couch, K. ( 2023, November 17). Finding your Niche Market as an EMDR Therapist [Blog Post]. Rewired360. Retrieved from
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