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Protocol for Excessive Grief

Jan 04, 2024
 Protocol for Excessive Grief,%202012).pdf 

I wanted to share this beautiful nugget of information from Marilyn Luber as a protocol for excessive grief.  Some clinicians can feel daunted by a griever or person experiencing grief and be activated themselves.  Marilyn Luber has providedThe “Protocol for Excessive Grief” (Luber, 2009a, pp. 175–187).  In this she shares about a process that we can use to gather information and provide support for the patient at the same time.  She has beautifully mixed this with EMDR and gives us clinical advice on how to work with mourners.  I wanted to provide support to grievers and clinicians in need of information from the field and extend this piece of work as a way to support you!


Take care!


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Couch, K. (2024, January 4). Protocol for Excessive Grief [Blog Post]. Rewired360. Retrieved from

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